Status board view settings

You can open the status board settings screen by clicking the device on the devices list in the Roombelt administration panel.


In this section, select the "Status board" option and select calendars displayed on the device. You can choose individual calendars and select the "All connected devices" option to automatically include all calendars already configured in Roombelt.

Status board mode

  • Available rooms on the top and list of upcoming meetings below.

  • List of upcoming meetings - only show a list of meetings and skip information about available rooms at the top.

  • List of selected meeting rooms - only show the current status for each meeting room and don't show a list of upcoming meetings.

Slide show

You can use a single TV to show list of upcoming meetings as well as essential company announcements. For an example, see How to setup a slide show on Roombelt status board.

The "Configure slide show" button opens a "Dashboard slides" screen with the following options:

  • Slide show mode - enable slide show and set time per slide.

  • Alternate between dashboard and slides - when enabled, it shows the meeting status board between slides. Otherwise, it shows the status board only before the first slide.

  • List of slides - click the green "New slide" button to add a slide. You can reorder your slides with drag and drop. To remove a slide, hover it and click the "Remove" button.

To achieve the best results, prepare slide images of the size shown in the lower left corner of the "Dashboard slides" dialog.

Display name & Location

  • Display name - the name displayed in the upper left corner of the device.

  • Location - the physical location of the device in the office (e.g., "Ground floor"). This is displayed in the Roombelt administration panel next to the device name on the device list.


Configure device language, time zone, and clock type (12 or 24 hours).

Display options

  • Enable energy saving - this option will black out the screen on a preconfigured schedule. See Energy saving for details.

  • Show participants - whether the meeting host and participants' names should be displayed on the device.

  • Show tentative meetings - Google Calendar and Office 365 have an option to require manual approval from a meeting room owner prior to booking the room. Until this happens the meeting room is in a "tentative" state for the meeting.

  • Show only meetings for today - enable this option to display only meetings until the end of the day. When this option is disabled, the device can also display meetings from the next few days.

  • Show current date next to current time - controls whether the current date is shown next to the current time in the upper right corner of the status board.

Status board columns

Configure columns visible on the status board:

  • Meeting title

  • Meeting host - enable this option to display the host in a separate column. Otherwise, the meeting host is shown right below the meeting title.

  • Meeting room location - the value of the "Location" field for meeting rooms with devices configured in Roombelt.

  • Meeting start & end time - complete information about meeting start & end.

  • Meeting status - short information about the meeting status (e.g., "Started 10 minutes ago" or "Starts at 11:00 am").

Custom background & theme

See Custom background & theme for details.

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